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From meeting Kelly Holmes to not being able to wink. Here are 10 Unknown facts about Me!

Writer: Mr ForecastMr Forecast

After I ran a Twitter poll, this was the winner for the next blog post! So let’s begin!

1. My Bitmoji can wink… but not me!

Yep. It’s True! I can’t wink! I just end up blinking both eyes! Bit embarrassing!

2. I used to be part of the Temple Cathedral Choir

I have sung at the Temple Cathedral Choir for about a year... before I decided to give it up and do golf as an extracurricular activity (the choir was too much for a 7-year-old me). I even sang in the Royal Court of Justice! I have not let myself down with the singing though. I am now part of the Christ Church Students' Union Show Choir!

3. I met Dame Kelly Holmes when she introduced the 'Dame Kelly Holmes Trust'

I was in East London and the journalist said if I wanted to take a photo for the newspaper with Dame Kelly Holmes. So I did! Such an amazing woman!

4. I stumbled into early years accidentally!

I fell into the Early Years sector accidentally when I was applying for college courses and I loved it ever since. What stood out to me when I started was the lack of males on the EY course: only 2 in the whole department. And to be honest, at the time, I never knew how much of an impact I would make to this sector by being a male role model, and it feels like now we need these male role models more than ever.

5. I worked in marketing for a couple of years alongside my Level 3 qualification before I started my Primary Education Degree!

I used to be the student social media officer at my college whilst studying my college qualification. After I finished my qualification I got promoted to be a marketing coordinator interim to promote courses and create materials during a merge.

6. I’m a left-hander!

Apparently, the two halves of the brain - the left and right hemispheres - are better connected and more co-ordinated in regions involved in language? Never knew that!

7. I can get scared very easily!

A bit embarrassing but true! I get scared over the smallest pranks! I can tell you are plotting to scare me now!

8. I am lucky to be alive!

I wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for the amazing doctors at the Royal London Hospital for saving my life when I was born. I almost died 3 times!

9. I love video games!

Especially Mario Kart and Animal Crossing! I can get very competitive, so try me if you dare!

10. I am a massive bookworm!

As you can imagine from the Amazon Wishlist #SpreadKindess campaign, I love books! From children books to adult books, I just love reading!

Speaking of reading... I will be doing another Book Review soon! Can you guess what book it is? Tweet me and find out!


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